My lessons from my seven-day gratitude challenge

challenge gratitude mentalhealth mindset Feb 22, 2023

It seemed like a streak of "bad luck" had come my way lately. That’s when I decided to jump into this seven-day gratitude challenge. As I took it, I realized that even amid all the craziness, there are reasons to be grateful. This realization allowed me to see things in a more positive light and appreciate the goodness that's still present in my life.

What happened?

Back in December, my roof was damaged. So, instead of wallowing and complaining about it, I decided to approach it differently. I changed my mindset to be grateful for the fact that I had enough money to repair it. The roof is an essential part of our home, and repairing it ensures that we can stay safe and protected from the elements.

I am also grateful that the money we spent on repairing the roof helped feed other families, such as the contractor and his employees. It's a beautiful exchange that helps support local businesses and ensures that everyone is taken care of.

My water heater broke as well. I am grateful that the natural gas detector went off and alerted us to the damaged water heater. The sensor detected the issue before it could turn into a potentially dangerous situation and advised us to vacate the premises, potentially saving our lives. Similarly, I am grateful that we were able to replace the water heater. A functional water heater is vital for daily life, and it's a relief to have it replaced and working smoothly.

Lastly, I had a car accident, and they towed my vehicle, so I am grateful to have access to my sister's car until we buy another one. Being able to rely on her vehicle has made our lives much easier and more convenient.

What’s next for me?

Expressing gratitude has helped me see that everything that happens is "for" me, not "to" me. It's allowed me to gain a fresh perspective on my life and appreciate the goodness that's still present, even during tough times.

So, what are you grateful for? Take a moment to think about it and appreciate the good in your life.

If you want to do this challenge with me, click here to download the free guide that will allow you to start seeing positive changes in your life in no time!



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